
The boss movie crystal
The boss movie crystal

the boss movie crystal

In the 1400s, there are records of a doctor being disbarred for his ‘crazy beliefs’ theorizing that washing your hands could prevent women from dying during pregnancy. You call this “Magic” but isn’t “Magic” just Science that hasn’t been explained yet? An Iphone would seem like magic to a Pilgrim. Just because it can’t be explained by science now, doesn’t mean it can’t be explained by science in the future. (Just because Science hasn’t proven it, doesn’t mean it’s contradictory).

the boss movie crystal

At least Spirit Science doesn’t contradict ANY religion. As it’s been said by this channel over and over again: NOTHING IS BEING PRESENTED AS FACT! If it were, it would be “Science”.Įverything presented is just a belief or theory, no different than Hinduism, Greek Mythology, Islam or Christianity. This is the place for people who choose to believe in something and would like to incorporate a level of science into the development of their ideology. Of course to an Atheist who doesn’t believe in anything (everything is random and purposeless) considering anything that can’t be “proven” with today’s knowledge is just silly, supernatural, crazy talk. Science doesn’t explain many things at this point, specifically, why do we exist? What is existence? It’s Spirituality that incorporates Science into the development of it’s ideology. It’s Spirit Science: a harmonization of two core concepts. It’s not going to sound like a Science Text Book because it’s NOT Science. It’s not something that can be proven or dis-proven. He means that the Crystals can experience existence. He does not mean “living” in the sense that they have cells, reproduce, or require food/water etc. When he says Crystals are “Alive” He does not mean in the way we are alive.

The boss movie crystal